嘉美塑料制品(珠海)有限公司生产的饮料杯奶茶杯一次性塑料杯符合国际卫生标准,质量可靠,可以根据客户要求定制,请放心使用。 Karmay Plastic Products (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. produces beverage cups, milk tea cups, and disposable plastic cups that meet international health standards and are of reliable quality. They can be customized according to customer requirements. Please feel free to use them. 16oz饮料杯奶茶杯一次性塑料杯注塑杯产品特点: 16oz beverage cup, milk tea cup, disposable plastic cup, injection cup, product features: 食品级PP材质制成,安全无毒 密封不漏水 耐高温耐低温 Made of food grade PP material, safe and non-toxic The seal is watertight High temperature and low temperature resistance
16oz饮料杯奶茶杯一次性塑料杯注塑杯规格: 16oz beverage cup milk tea cup disposable plastic cup injection cup specification:
H:135.0mm W:85.00mm Cup wall thickness:0.85mm Cup bottom thickness:0.90mm Weight:26.20g
16oz饮料杯奶茶杯一次性塑料杯注塑杯的整个生产流程严格的按照食品安全标准以及GMP要求生产,并通过严格的质量管理对来料检验,保障产品的质量和安全,请放心使用。 The entire production process of the 16oz beverage cup, milk tea cup, disposable plastic cup, injection cup is produced in strict accordance with food safety standards and GMP requirements, and the incoming materials are inspected through strict quality management to ensure the quality and safety of the product. Please feel free to use it.