叮咚 来自食品包装届的邮件


叮咚 来自食品包装届的邮件

Mail from food packaging

The structure of modern food packaging design is no longer a purely technical and physical problem. It has a strong marketing theme on the basis of protection and convenience. Every thinking structure should have corresponding consumer psychology and brand Effect.

一、 食品包装的品牌认知力
1. The brand awareness of food packaging

The perceived tension of the combination of trademarks, patterns, colors and texts on the surface of food packaging can guide consumer interest, induce consumers' desire to purchase, and sneak into the consumer demand and purchase decision in a subtle way, thus establishing consumer-to-product Cognition, and gradually formed a market-oriented brand awareness.

二、 食品包装的中心视觉化
2. The central visualization of food packaging

In the design of food packaging, brand design is an important part of the packaging design. The visual design of the brand includes the use of logos, graphics, brand culture, text, and color and design rules to convey and present products through unique visual language to design of information and features.

三、 食品包装的图形符号化
3. The graphical symbolization of food packaging

In the form of graphical symbols to express visual tension, and can be quickly and uniquely expressed Accurately and intuitively convey information content, instantly capture the consumer's line of sight, make it perceive graphical information, attract consumers' attention, generate interest and even achieve emotional resonance, so that consumers can more readily accept product information and achieve corporate branding. Promote the purpose of corporate sales.

四、 食品包装的广告媒体化
4. The advertising media of food packaging

Accurately convey marketing information in a concise and unique visual language, and take into account the extended visual impact brought by the packaging of goods in the design process, pay attention to the continuity between packaging and packaging, and form a clear and clear shelf display. And the uniqueness and exclusivity of the product display, so that consumers can quickly and accurately recognize the existence of the product in the dazzling merchandise shelf, so as to achieve the purpose of transmitting the corporate image and promoting the sale of goods.

五、 食品包装的画面食欲感
5. Appetite of food packaging

The successful appetite food packaging design can not only quickly grasp the eye of the consumer, but also trigger the psychological association effect of “color, fragrance and taste”. Thus giving the consumer some taste suggestion and generating the craving for the food in the package,and curiosity, to achieve the purpose of guiding consumption.

The packaging of products has become an important communication bridge between products and consumers. The design of food packaging has naturally become the most effective marketing method for commodity manufacturers.


Therefore, Karmay always pays attention to the ever-changing consumer demand and food packaging design centered on product sales force, which is the key to Karmay's stand out in the fierce market competition.



由 Krystal Lam 整理归纳


上一篇:2019年三灶镇工会职工羽毛球混合团体赛 下一篇:食品包装与设计:食品包装设计欣赏(合集)

Karmay Plastic Products (ZhuHai)CO.,LTD


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